We like when the system is autonomous, closed, self-contained circuit that requires minimal maintenance, operation on us, right?
How to combine all these technological solutions in crypto currency mining? How not to worry about the cost and infinity of electricity? How not to worry about the usual cleaning needs of dust and dirt, or agricultural ventilation and all the costs themselves, do not worry about the availability of the Internet and the right currency for mining? We set that goal. And we arrived there.
We combine solar panels, electrical storage systems, immersion cooling, standalone mining, and added to this cocktail self-learning learning system that independently converts the crypto currency for mining based on the market situation. The ideal system. As we wanted. And you'll love it too.
Please see the video below:
Solar energy
Environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly energy for mining. It is ideal for countries with hot climates. Not harm the environment. Endless energy source with no wear and loss of power.
At night, the decrease in solar panel efficiency is compensated by the accumulation of energy reserves in the accumulator during the day. The latest batteries have high efficiency and long service life.
Soaking is cooler
Final solution problem with uneven board cooling, expensive electronic component pollution, fan noise and permanent system repair. Remember the car that was installed continuously at the beginning of last century? Immersion cooling is the future of mining.
Inteligent currency
The specially developed software analyzes the market situation in real time and diverts mining mode among different currencies, achieving maximum cryptomining efficiency.
Dropping the mining unit from the power supply allows you to place the autonomous system in the most convenient places - not far from civilization, in many places at the same time. At the same time, such a decentralized system will function as one.
The legal conditions
Due to the various ways of connecting to the Internet and the lack of dependence on electricity, system owners do not bear the risk of "excessive regulation" by the state. The system can not be legally disconnected from electricity or the internet.
Our special prize program will enable a small inversion to be produced. We decided that each activity should be rewarded and make additional prizes for our active members of the community. So, do not hesitate to participate.
It's no secret that every team is trying to reach big investors. That's why we can offer special investment terms for found investment and personal business angels with a minimum amount of 1 million euros.
This is an indoor indoor circuit that is ideal for mining. Free power means we are not dependent on government power. We can mine cryptos. No cost whatsoever. Unused electricity can be sold to the country. That's a bonus.
A solar mining group is ready, tested and working that generates daily revenue. This is not an investment for some virtual software product or idea. This is a complex hardware, which works every day.
The more sun stations we have - the more power we have. More power means more miners. More miners mean more crypto currency and more money for us and our investors.
We create a special algorithm that automatically diverts the mining process to a more profitable coin to mine within a certain period of time from market conditions. That is, the profitability of mining will increase.
Token Strikes Information
Total token: 5 million tokens (Unallocated tokens will not be created)
Price Token on release: 0.001 ETH
Official website: www.helioss.io
ICO details
PRE-ICO Start Date: May 1, 2018
PRE-ICO Expiry date: June 1, 2018
ICO Start date: July 1, 2018
ICO Date of expiry: October 1, 2018
Private sales: April 18, 2018 to April 30, 2018 bonus 20%
PRE-ICO: May 1, 2018 to June 1, bonus will be 20%
July 1, 2018 to July 8, 2018 bonus 20%
July 9, 2018 to July 16, 2018 bonus 15%
July 17, 2018 to October 1, 2018, a 10% bonus
The token distribution end date is October 1, 2018., 12:00 GMT
Token Distribution:
Bounty Program - 3% of distributed tokens
Founding team -10% for founding team
Reserve - 5% of reserve repurchase fund
Contributors - 82% of published tokens
91% - investments in autonomous groups of the Solar Power Group
9% - for research, development, and administration
APR-2018 - Pre-sale tokens
Deployment of smart contracts. Listing GitHub. Start pre-selling.
MEI-2018 - The first cluster installment. Pre-ICO.
50 kWt sollar panels and immersion cooling boxes.
Installing ASIC. Early mining.PRE-ICO.
JUN-2018 - Launch of ICO HeliosCoin
early ICO
mining clusters increased
Intercalation of blockchain
SEP-2018 - End of HeliosCoin ICO. List of Tokens.
List of Tokens.
10 mWt order solar diesel system off-grid.
NOV-2018 - Increased power - mining and solar power
10 mWt of solar system installation. Installing immersion cooler.
Installation of mining equipment. The beginning of mining.
DEC-2018 - Distribution of clusters
Worldwide solar cluster hatchery
mining software for distributed clusters
distribution of clusters worldwide
JAN-2019 - iOS and Android apps
IO and Android app implementation for cluster buyers

STANISLAV KHARIANOV - CFO, CO-founder, mining enthusiast
LARRY CAMERON - Security & Mining Advisor
JOAKIM HOLMER - Trusted Advisor
ANDERS LARSSON - Trusted Advisor
SERGEY KOSSE - Director of Business Development
ELVIRA NAZIPOVA - Marketing and PR
SAM BZEZZ - Tech guy, miner enthusiast
For more information, please CLICK LINKS below:
Website: https://helioss.io/index.html
Telegram: https://t.me/helioscoin_io
White paper: https://helioss.io/legal/whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/helioscoin/
Medium: https://medium.com/@HeliosCoin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@CoinHelios
Author: cahaya langit
BTT profile:
ETH: 0xe644f20470484cD2322F503a31732DCbb591bA69
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