Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

يعد BINEURO أحدث نظام أساسي للمشاركة في قائمة شركاء Google المتنامية. لقد قاموا بإنشاء نظام تدخل اصطناعي قائم على بيانات كبيرة ،


يعد BINEURO أحدث نظام أساسي للمشاركة في قائمة شركاء Google المتنامية. لقد أنشأوا أنظمة تدخل اصطناعي تعتمد على البيانات الكبيرة ، والتعلم التلقائي ، والمنطق الضبابي ، والخوارزميات الجينية. من الأسهل عرض الإعلانات على Google باستخدام الأنظمة الأساسية.

BiNeuro هو نظام قائم على الذكاء الاصطناعي مع تقنية BLOCKCHAIN ​​وآلات التعلم (الشبكات العصبية) ، والبيانات الكبيرة ، والتحليل الطيفي الفريد (SSA) ، والمنطق الضبابي والخوارزميات الجينية.

في عام 2017 ، تم تعيينه على أنه شريك Google الأسرع نموًا لنظام BiNeuro. 50٪ على الأقل في حملتنا الإعلانية. تقوم الشركة بتطوير ونشر إصدارات BiNeuro في المنزل منذ عام 2009 ، وتظهر BiNeuro زيادة مطردة في فعالية الحملة.

50٪ على الأقل في حملتنا الإعلانية. تقوم الشركة بتطوير ونشر إصدارات BiNeuro في المنزل منذ عام 2009 ، وتظهر BiNeuro زيادة مطردة في فعالية الحملة. BiNeuro هو نظام مع تكنولوجيا الذكاء الاصطناعي القائم على التكنولوجيا والتكنولوجيا: آلة التعلم (الشبكة العصبية) ، والبيانات الكبيرة ، وتحليل الأطياف الفريدة (SSA) ، والمنطق الضبابي والخوارزمية الجينية. تؤدي الحاجة إلى التحكم في العمليات متعددة العوامل إلى زيادة كبيرة في تكلفة تنظيم حملة إعلانية ، لا تمنعنا من أن تصبح غير فعالة. زراعة BiNeuro من خلال واجهة الويب ، يمكن لوكالات الإعلان الصغيرة أو المستقلة إجراء حملات إعلانية على الإنترنت بشكل مستقل وفعال للعملاء الصغار والكبار.

وبالنظر إلى حقيقة أن الخبراء في الإعلانات عبر الإنترنت لا ينفقون أكثر من 100 في الحملات الإعلانية ، فإن BiNeuro ، التي أجرت منذ عام 2009 أكثر من 80 ألف حملة إعلانية تعمل بنظام PPC على Google ، يمكن أن تصبح خبيرًا رقميًا يتمتع بخبرة تمتد إلى 800 عام!

خلال الحملة ، ستنظر BiNeuro في معلمات 1000 وحتى 300000 عميل صغير للمتاجر الكبيرة عبر الإنترنت وستستجيب للتغيرات في وضع 24/7. في المقابل ، يمكن للخبير الرقمي عالي الجودة "تذكر" ما يصل إلى 40 معلمًا وقضاء ساعة لعدة أيام في المشاركة في الحملة.

أفضل طريقة لتقديم منتجك هي معرفة عدد الأشخاص الذين تريدهم. جعلت التكنولوجيا الرقمية العالم ممارسة بسيطة وبسيطة مع الأدوات والأدلة. التسويق الرقمي هو ضرورة لأي عمل ، لأن الناس يقضون معظم وقتهم عبر الإنترنت. تدير Google الأرباح من الإعلان عبر الإنترنت ، واليوم تستخدم العديد من الوكالات خدمات Google. مع العديد من أدوات التتبع الرقمية ، من السهل إضعاف المسوقين عبر الإنترنت.

إعلانات جوجل PPC هو شكل الإعلان الأكثر شعبية في العالم الرقمي. تستخدم العديد من الشركات منصات الإعلان والتسويق الرقمي. يتم إرسال 71٪ من ميزانية الإعلان العالمية إلى Google. كن مرادفا للإعلان عبر الإنترنت.

عادة ما يكون لدى العديد من الشركات خياران لاستخدام مواردها الخاصة أو وكلاء العمل. لا يبدو أن معظم ميزانيتك الإعلانية لديها النتائج المرجوة. تُعد الحاجة إلى نظام أساسي جديد للإعلان الناجح أمرًا مهمًا في العالم الحديث.

الحلول المقترحة

تعد فعالية حملة BINEURO الإعلانية أكبر بالتأكيد من متوسط ​​مقاييس Google. يتم استخدام تكاليف صيانة منخفضة ، مثل الذكاء الاصطناعي ، على المنصات ، وليس على الخبراء. عدد المعلمات المستخدمة لتتبع فعالية حملة إعلانية أعلى بكثير من أي وكالة أخرى. سهولة الاستخدام وتوافر الخدمات على المنصة هي مشكلة خطيرة لمطوري نظام BINEURO.

نفذت هذه المنصة أكثر من 80،000 حملة. أسرع دعم متعدد اللغات واستجابة العملاء ليست سوى بعض من ميزات النظام الأساسي العديدة. تكون الحملات التي تستخدم هذا النظام أكثر فعالية بنسبة 50-80٪ من الحملات العادية. إحدى السمات الهامة لنظام التدريب الاصطناعي هو أنه يتعلم مع كل حملة إعلانية جديدة.

للحصول على معلومات غير كافية حول BINEURO ، يرجى الاطلاع على الفيديو:

معلومات ICO ولوحة
تسجيل BNR
السعر 1 BNR = 0.0001 ETH
مكافأة المتاحة
منصة الأثير
تصفح - قبل - قبول
الحد الأدنى للاستثمار هو 500 BNR
بلد إنجليزي
القائمة البيضاء البيضاء / KYC
منطقة محظورة الولايات المتحدة

يتم إنشاء 850 مليون رمز BNR لهذا المشروع. يتم عرض الرمز المميز قبل البيع حاليًا على النظام الأساسي. يتم استخدام الأموال من قبل ICO لمعالجة المنتجات وتسويق النظام الأساسي. يتمتع الفريق الذي طور هذه المنصة بخبرة في مجال الإعلان الرقمي وتطوير الويب.


إعلانات PPC هي الحالة الأولى المستخدمة لتقنية الفريق المتقدمة. يتم تقديم خدمة تحسين الأداء العصبي PPC للعملاء مقابل رسوم ثابتة. يتم تتبع أكثر من 1000 معلمة ومراقبتها بواسطة نظام العميل الصغير. ويعد الاعتماد المتنقل على الإيرادات ظاهرة أخرى تدفع نمو الإعلانات في العديد من مجالات العمل. الآن وموافقة المنتج في السوق الاستهلاكية لا تقل أهمية عن جودة المنتج نفسه.

هذا مثال للتسويق التسويقي في أي صناعة ، لا سيما عندما يكون المنتج مرتبط مباشرة بالمستهلك. الغرض من هذه المنصة هو توفير تجربة حديثة مع سوق الدعاية المتغيرة باستمرار. ويعتقدون أن هذا النموذج سوف يحل تحديات المستقبل الرئيسية في العديد من الصناعات الأخرى. هل سبق لك أن زرت العديد من خدمات المنصات والأدوات؟ أدوات لإدارة وإكمال النظام الأساسي الخاص بك بنجاح. هل نحن على استعداد لمتابعة تطورنا وتطورنا؟

لمزيد من المعلومات ، انقر فوق الرابط أدناه:

from: cahaya langit

My profileBitcointalk:

Rabu, 25 Juli 2018

Now comes your MobileBridge Momentum platform. Let's join us .. !!!!


this time I will discuss about Momentum project,
With the increasing level of online business, there has been increased proportional allegiance by various corporate customers. More companies are now rewarding their loyal customers, brand promoters, and supporters with cryptocurrency tokens using blockchain technology. However, getting the right platform for such operations can be very busy for the company because the credibility of most platforms is somewhat questionable. This increases my need to write this article for my viewers to find the best platform right now in the crypto marketplace that offers the most reliable and credible business rewards and solutions. Without further ado,

Now comes your MobileBridge Momentum platform.
MobileBridge Momentum platform is number one, and one of the most reliable cryptocurrency-based automated marketing platforms that use integrated blockchain integrated technology to deliver customers' profitable solutions.

What Momentum Token Will Be Used For?

Since momentum is a utility token, it should be used for the following:

It will be used as a decentralized encrypted cryptocurrency that holds value and is ultimately used for transfers between people.
It will also be used as a sign of loyalty and appreciation to reward users for their respectable deal, brand promotion, and patronage.
This will be used as a gateway token to change gift momentum to Crytocurrency or other digital currencies.
This will serve as a crypto tender law. Therefore, users using the MobileBridge momentum platform will make payments for the service using a momentum token.

Reasons Why You Need to Choose a MobileBride Momentum?
Official tokens for all transactions done on the MobileBridge platform will only be a momentum token. However, the momentum token value must depend on the level at which the user uses the token thus increasing the request. Stability of the token platform is controlled by law of demand and supply. In other words, the higher the use of momentum tokens for transactions on the platform, the higher the order and the token value. This is because:

Promoters from valuable company or customer brands will be priced directly on the platform using a momentum token, rather than using a third-party marketing agency.
The MobileBridge Platform is a gift-based sales / marketing system that signals disrupting the crypto market.

Customers who have previously been rewarded for their loyalty, but for some reason can not use their loyalty rewards points; can really turn their point of loyalty into a valuable currency on the platform so as to increase their support.

MobileBridge Momentum Platform allows the introduction of 1000 reward programs, all facilitated by MobileBridge Momentum Token.
Loyalty Platform can be converted into reward based system using MobileBridge momentum platform.

Experts in the technical crypto community responsible for marketing, software, and retail are very confident of MobileBridge's momentum vision.

MobileBridge momentum platform project team consists of highly experienced industry professionals and has created leading global digital solutions for various companies.


My Advice to you?
I strongly recommend MobileBridge Momentum to everyone as you can find out there Hurry now and purchase MobileBridge tokens now that the tokens are still available for sale.

The Momentum Token Sales Event

€ 2,500,000
Soft Cap

€ 25,000,000

€ 42 million
Hard Cap


Total Token supply 1,000,000,000

Tokens for sale 500,000,000

Token price € 0.10 (~ 0.12 USD / CHF)


50% Tokens sold

33% MobileBridge strategic capital reserve

5% Long-term team retention

5% 3rd party launch costs

3% MobileBridge Team

3% Bounty program

2% Advisors


Q1 2017
Release of MobileBridge Loyalty module

H2 2017
Technology strategy and blockchain blue-print

Q1 2018
Moments of Token Sale

H1 2018
Infrastructure development & Proof of Concept

Functional development kick-off

MID 2018
Link blockchain for User Profile Storage

H2 2018
Reward Token Storage

MID 2019
Token Alliance

H2 2019
Mirror / Extend Existing Loyalty Programs

Store Promotion & Assets

Loyalty Infrastructure positioning

Visit link

BTT username: cahaya langit

MY ETH: 0xe644f20470484cD2322F503a31732DCbb591bA69

HeliosCoin - independently converts the crypto currency for mining based on the situation in the market.

We like when the system is autonomous, closed, self-contained circuit that requires minimal maintenance, operation on us, right?

How to combine all these technological solutions in crypto currency mining? How not to worry about the cost and infinity of electricity? How not to worry about the usual cleaning needs of dust and dirt, or agricultural ventilation and all the costs themselves, do not worry about the availability of the Internet and the right currency for mining? We set that goal. And we arrived there.

We combine solar panels, electrical storage systems, immersion cooling, standalone mining, and added to this cocktail self-learning learning system that independently converts the crypto currency for mining based on the market situation. The ideal system. As we wanted. And you'll love it too.

Please see the video below:


Solar energy
Environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly energy for mining. It is ideal for countries with hot climates. Not harm the environment. Endless energy source with no wear and loss of power.
At night, the decrease in solar panel efficiency is compensated by the accumulation of energy reserves in the accumulator during the day. The latest batteries have high efficiency and long service life.
Soaking is cooler
Final solution problem with uneven board cooling, expensive electronic component pollution, fan noise and permanent system repair. Remember the car that was installed continuously at the beginning of last century? Immersion cooling is the future of mining.
Inteligent currency
The specially developed software analyzes the market situation in real time and diverts mining mode among different currencies, achieving maximum cryptomining efficiency.
Dropping the mining unit from the power supply allows you to place the autonomous system in the most convenient places - not far from civilization, in many places at the same time. At the same time, such a decentralized system will function as one.
The legal conditions
Due to the various ways of connecting to the Internet and the lack of dependence on electricity, system owners do not bear the risk of "excessive regulation" by the state. The system can not be legally disconnected from electricity or the internet.

Our special prize program will enable a small inversion to be produced. We decided that each activity should be rewarded and make additional prizes for our active members of the community. So, do not hesitate to participate.
It's no secret that every team is trying to reach big investors. That's why we can offer special investment terms for found investment and personal business angels with a minimum amount of 1 million euros.
This is an indoor indoor circuit that is ideal for mining. Free power means we are not dependent on government power. We can mine cryptos. No cost whatsoever. Unused electricity can be sold to the country. That's a bonus.
A solar mining group is ready, tested and working that generates daily revenue. This is not an investment for some virtual software product or idea. This is a complex hardware, which works every day.
The more sun stations we have - the more power we have. More power means more miners. More miners mean more crypto currency and more money for us and our investors.
We create a special algorithm that automatically diverts the mining process to a more profitable coin to mine within a certain period of time from market conditions. That is, the profitability of mining will increase.
Token Strikes Information

Total token: 5 million tokens (Unallocated tokens will not be created)
Price Token on release: 0.001 ETH
Official website: www.helioss.io
ICO details

PRE-ICO Start Date: May 1, 2018
PRE-ICO Expiry date: June 1, 2018
ICO Start date: July 1, 2018
ICO Date of expiry: October 1, 2018

Private sales: April 18, 2018 to April 30, 2018 bonus 20%
PRE-ICO: May 1, 2018 to June 1, bonus will be 20%
July 1, 2018 to July 8, 2018 bonus 20%
July 9, 2018 to July 16, 2018 bonus 15%
July 17, 2018 to October 1, 2018, a 10% bonus
The token distribution end date is October 1, 2018., 12:00 GMT

Token Distribution:

Bounty Program - 3% of distributed tokens
Founding team -10% for founding team
Reserve - 5% of reserve repurchase fund
Contributors - 82% of published tokens

91% - investments in autonomous groups of the Solar Power Group
9% - for research, development, and administration


APR-2018 - Pre-sale tokens

Deployment of smart contracts. Listing GitHub. Start pre-selling.
MEI-2018 - The first cluster installment. Pre-ICO.

50 kWt sollar panels and immersion cooling boxes.
Installing ASIC. Early mining.PRE-ICO.
JUN-2018 - Launch of ICO HeliosCoin

early ICO
mining clusters increased
Intercalation of blockchain
SEP-2018 - End of HeliosCoin ICO. List of Tokens.

List of Tokens.
10 mWt order solar diesel system off-grid.
NOV-2018 - Increased power - mining and solar power

10 mWt of solar system installation. Installing immersion cooler.
Installation of mining equipment. The beginning of mining.
DEC-2018 - Distribution of clusters

Worldwide solar cluster hatchery
mining software for distributed clusters
distribution of clusters worldwide
JAN-2019 - iOS and Android apps

IO and Android app implementation for cluster buyers


STANISLAV KHARIANOV - CFO, CO-founder, mining enthusiast
LARRY CAMERON - Security & Mining Advisor
JOAKIM HOLMER - Trusted Advisor
ANDERS LARSSON - Trusted Advisor
SERGEY KOSSE - Director of Business Development
ELVIRA NAZIPOVA - Marketing and PR
SAM BZEZZ - Tech guy, miner enthusiast

For more information, please CLICK LINKS below:

Website: https://helioss.io/index.html
Telegram: https://t.me/helioscoin_io
White paper: https://helioss.io/legal/whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/helioscoin/
Medium: https://medium.com/@HeliosCoin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@CoinHelios

Author: cahaya langit
BTT profile:
ETH: 0xe644f20470484cD2322F503a31732DCbb591bA69

Selasa, 24 Juli 2018

With VIVA, investors and borrowers can carry out operations without requiring intermediaries or obstacles by the government.

What is a Viva Network?

Viva Network is a decentralized mortgage platform that allows borrowers and investors to innovate and meet directly in one place in safety and security. The Viva platform has been driven by state-of-the-art blockchain technology, so investors and borrowers can make operations without the need for intermediaries or barriers by the government. Applying devices manufactured by Viva, all financing processes will be carried out safely, efficiently and economically.

Viva will be used to create a new market in the credit / mortgage sector. The aim is to reduce system inefficiencies while making home purchases cheaper.

This may be the first time, Viva allows accredited private investors to buy high-end, high-end profit-oriented FMS (split mortgage shares). It will also help to innovate applications that have been built to improve the current status and conventional credit ratings and evaluation procedures are often obsolete.

Viva is just a transformative economic technology that introduces large-scale mortgage loans in the world. The Viva platform will use crowdfund real estate loan transactions, connecting borrowers and investors directly to decentralized and unreliable ecosystems. Utilizing ultra-secure blockchain transactions, Viva eliminates middlemen, creating a more lucrative and efficient lending process for all parties.

Viva allows the free market to determine the borrower's interest rate and eliminate dependence on banks and other financial intermediaries. By eliminating inefficiencies in local financial techniques, mortgage rates will reflect a fairer and more accurate level of risk associated with the actual value of the asset.


Using inventory demining mortgages, the Viva network allows investors to buy mortgages from local buyers from anywhere in the world, making the process faster and easier for domestic buyers. With the ability to effectively access the free market, both parties will now be able to use international arbitrage with interest rates and receive a mortgage with lower interest rates and greater return on investment.

The project team believes that Viva's technology will increase the availability of loans to borrowers and for the first time does not allow institutional investors to participate in subsequent sales and supported by mortgage-related assets, products traditionally reserved for large financial institutions.

The VivA network allows brokers to use blustiskhiv® in a particular way. Vivà greatly simplifies the differences between mortgages and perfects them perfectly on a single gloss. Most of those who are for the first time to remember is that some can be seen with investors all over the world, and they are free from reality.

Vival Hub will begin to be launched so that we believe in the most attractive risks that are directly adjusted to the invested capital unit; in other words, they can use a secure but rich market. In this regard, both restructuring, real estate conditions and political stability will be taken into consideration. The fact that Vival Hub exists as a good mortgage broker and rather as a pass-through entity that will facilitate loans to domestic buyers by creating profits for investors. Viva the Hub will use Viva Frandmable, which has been standardized for investors and will be very useful if Viven Nеtwwrk survives.

They believe this is the best way to distinguish a clear and more man-dependent system. However, in reality, it is childish and there are not enough enough to allow a complete decentralization of what the brand has made the difference. Physically, "briсk and mоrtаr" Viva Hubes will be shown for the initial start of Vivemostore,


The global market for permanent mortgage revenues is valued at around $ 31 trillion. Despite the large amount of money, credit investments do not naturally acquire the similar concentration that makes the investment of equal opportunities as it is mostly controlled by some investors. In modernizing mortgage credit with blockchain expertise, Viva will produce much deserved curiosity and enthusiasm for the conventionally declined mortgage industry.


After mortgage loans have been effectively financed through crowdfunding through the Mortgage Shares division, their determination will be available for sale on the Viva FMS swap request that is located on the Viva network platform. The request will work in a similar way to a typical online cryptocurrency operation and the FMS system will exchange a style comparable to that of any permanent protection of profits. Investors will be able to use this platform to buy (offer) and sell (ask) FMS investments. The request includes data analysis tools, charts and functionalities that classify all FMS securities by risk rating, yield, duration, IRR, etc. With custom portfolio recommendations and automation available for average investors.

Consider the ICO project:

Token: VIVA

Platform: Ethereum

Standard: ERC20

Quantity: 3,000,000,000 of VIVA

Price: 35.714 VIVA = 1 ETH

Payment: ETH

Hard cap: 3,000,000,000 of VIVA


Beginning: 31.03.2018

Completion: 14.04.2018

Bonus: 35%


Start: 14.04.2018

Completion: 14.06.2018

bonus system:

Up to 11,200 ETH - 25%

Up to 33.070 ETH - 15%

Up to 68,700 ETH-no


Viva Network reference and social platform
Viva Network ★ http://www.vivanetwork.org/

author: cahaya langit

Bitcointalk Profile URL:

ETH: 0xe644f20470484cD2322F503a31732DCb591bA69

Minggu, 22 Juli 2018

The GSC Platform believes in the evolutionary potential that blockchain can provide for detailed tracking, logistics, and buyer processes

Today I will tell you about an interesting project. The sustainable growth of the aviation sector, combined with the traditional approach to supply chain management, controlled industry players. Your attention is given to new technology solutions that can protect the supply chain and optimize enterprise processes.

The GSC Platform team believes in the evolutionary potential that blockchain can provide for detailed tracking, logistics, and buyer processes. The GSC platform will improve safety and reduce costs in the aviation supply chain sector.

The purpose of this platform is to improve flight safety and provide scalability savings for aerospace industry players by optimizing the overall supply chain.

Quick Search
Thanks to the search module, the GSC Aviation Platform allows you to find suppliers close to you. Thanks to the indexing system indexed by search engines, the best suppliers appear first in your results.

Information is optimized
The detailed identity cards stored in the database allow instant access to information from each supplier.

Tender centered
In accordance with your needs for goods and services, select a supplier and set the criteria at your discretion and ask for a tender within a few clicks.

Regular and effective supplier monitoring
The GSC platform gives each customer a list of dashboard information about their previous suppliers and cooperation. This easy-to-use, technical tool for buyers allows you to save time and focus on purchases and strategic tasks with higher added value for your company.

To manage planned hardware obsolescence, information is stored and protected in the GSC Aviation Blockchain. Blockchain can alert MRO, Airlines and CAMO customers to check and test what will be done on each product. The visibility of this information also allows us to anticipate the order of the items at the end of their potential.

Blockchain GSC Aviation technology is used to store and protect the entire life cycle of an airline product. From manufacturing to aircraft installation, through general inspection, repair or major repairs in the workshop. Thanks to the perfect Blockchain technology and traceability of the aerospace parts, the aircraft will become safer, and the safety of passengers and crew above all.

Initially, the platform users are buyers and suppliers in the aviation sector or suppliers who offer goods and services for indirect purchases for the industry.

The organization responsible for airworthiness monitoring (CAMO), the MRO in the airline that controls aircraft-installed parts and wants to anticipate their shipments and subcontracts, and improves the safety of their customers' flights.

Finally, aviation authorities around the world can confirm information through Blockchain, using the GSC platform to dispel doubts after the audit.

The launch of the GSC flight platform will come into effect in the first quarter of 2019 after passing all tests by aviation specialists. This will be done in collaboration with Christoph Coste (CEO of FlyDynamics) so that the launch date can be fully in line with customer expectations.

By increasing the efficiency of supply chain process processes, it allows buyers to save valuable time and focus on strategic purchases and added value for the company. GSC, reliable solution, cheap and easy to prepare. This allows effective scalability in the long run.

Blockchain technology provides the perfect search capability of all equipment available in the GSC flight database. Guaranteed, original, and instantly available. MROs and airlines. Thus, accidents due to human error will be reduced significantly. In addition, the use of GSC Aviation blockchain will allow access to all equipment elements and documents during their lifecycle, from creation to retirement.

More info at:
Web ★ https://gscplatform.io/
WHITEPAPER ★ https://gscplatform.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/ENG-WP-GSC-AVIATION-07062018.pdf/
ANNOUNCEMENT ★ https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4438272.
TWITTER ★ https://twitter.com/GSCAviation
FACEBOOOK ★ https://www.facebook.com/GSCPlatform
TELEGRAM ★ https://t.me/GSCAviationOffi

AUTHOR: cahaya langit
bitcointalk profile:
myetw address: 0xe644f20470484cD2322F503a31732DCbb591bA69

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2018

Mozo is a project that seeks to create a digital currency (Mozocoin) for retail trade

Mozo is a project that seeks to create a digital currency (Mozocoin) for retail trade, by helping retailers value their customers. The Mozo project will help retailer strategy of loyal customer rewards by providing Mozocoin as an incentive. This will eliminate all the skepticism faced by prospective retailers and reduce the stress and cost of advertising. This will be achieved with the help of Blockchain technology.

Currently Trade is as old as humans, buying and selling has undergone different historical changes, one thing that is common in commerce is marketing, every trader needs to market his goods. The Mozo project is more concerned about retail trade. The main objective of the project is to increase retail trade and help retailers grow their business regardless of the size of their outlets. Currently, retail trade is not progressive, there is heavy competition from e-commerce trading, this brings the offline retail phobia towards extinction. This brings us to the question, what will happen in the future for retail trade?
One of the significant transformations that have been witnessed by retail trade is the introduction of e-commerce, it looks like a setback in offline retail.
However, Mozo is trying to restore the glory of offline retail.

A lot of efforts have been made to boost e-commerce, but little is being done to help physical trading outlets. Mozo is standing for physical trading outlets, by helping it catch up with the astronomical change in technology.
Mozo is going to carry along retail trading outlets, from the small shops to bigger malls. Once you are interested in the Mozo platform irrespective of the size of your business are free to participate.

An additional advantage of using the Mozo platform is that it would help you boost traffic, in this case, offline traffic. Mozo will also help you Increase customers and sales. The Mozo platform will also help you expand your retail outlets while maintaining your customers.

All you have to do as a retailer is to download the Mozo app then, purchase the Mozocoin into your wallet. The next step is to reward your customers (who already have the app) with the mozo token. This will serve as a reward for loyalty and in turn boost your customer base.
In case you set up a new outlet you can also use this platform to introduce your customers to new outlets. This loyalty gift (Mozo) will serve as a marketing strategy to help boost sales.

The Mozo tokens, when given as rewards to customers, will not be a worthless possession. The whole project is created with Blockchain technology built on the Ethereum platform; this will help boost its liquidity and increase its value. It would be listed on major exchanges. This means you will be able to exchange the token for Fiat currency.
The Mozocoin have good liquidity since it can be traded on exchanges, gifted to friends and exchanged for Fiat currency.
If you own retail outlets and you want to boost your sales, this project is an excellent opportunity for you.

About The MOZO Token
Private Sale
The Mozo Token is going to have both public and private sale, within two weeks about $ 26 million worth of MOZO token is sold that shows signs of success.

Ticker: MOZO
ICO starts: 23 July 2018
ICO ends: 30July 2018
Accepting currency: BTC and ETH
whitelist and KYC: Available
Platform: Ethereum

For Information please visit at link below:

BY: cahaya langit

BTT profile:

MY ETH: 0xe644f20470484cD2322F503a31732DCbb591bA69

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